Kivun Registration 2018-2019 -
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Kivun Registration 2018-2019

  • Parents' Information

  • Child's Information

  • Emergency Contacts

  • Authorization

  •  I hereby give permission for my child to be transported to and from field trips, and to participate in them in all Kivun activities. I understand that during the course of Kivun my child can be hurt. I accept the risk of possible injury and authorize any member of the Chabad of the West Side staff to render any necessary first aid. Furthermore, in an emergency case, I hereby authorize Sarah Alevsky, Rabbi Chayim Alevsky or another staff member to have my child taken care of by a physcian or other medical person in any way the situation calls for. 

  • I give permission to Chabad of the West Side and Kivun, and those authorized by Chabad, to take photographs and to make recordings of my children and my family, and to use them in original or modified form in all media now or hereafter known, with or without my name or information about me, for the promotion, public education, and/or fundraising activities of Chabad of the West Side. 

  • Schedule and Payment Options

  • Twice a week: $2,000 for the year
    Once a week: $1,200 for the year

    Sibling Discount: 10% sibling discount for 2nd and 3rd children in the same family

    Early Bird Special: If you are paid in full from the current year, you can register your child(ren) before May 15, give a deposit and receive an additional 10% off the whole sum. 

    Ambassador Discount: Get another family to register for Kivun for the year, you will get $100 off your tuition!  

    Payment Schedule:

    Deposit due at registration:  $100 (applied toward your tuition)

    Upon acceptance, we will bill you for your balance either 

    Two days: $950 due on September 1, $950 due on January 1
    One day:  $550 due on September 1, $550 due on January 1.
    Deduct 10% of total for second and third child.

    ACTIVITY FEE: To cover the costs of our activities, including special trips, art projects, family events, dinners and more, we are charging $150 per child and $250 for two children in an activity fee. This is a required payment for all students and it is an addition to tuition. We will not be charging for events that take place in Kivun throughout the year because they will be included in this fee.

  • Please select whether your child(ren) will attend once or twice a week:

  • $0.00
  • Credit Card
    Billing Address
  • Should be Empty:
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