
Chabad Boys Club 5783 / 2023

Does your son join the most popular program for Jewish boys on the West Side?

Chabad Boys Club is always Wild and Wonderful! Our motto: Educational, Fun (and a bit Dangerous...)
The Chabad Boys Club is for boys ages 8 - 12 and takes place about once a month on Saturday nights. 

What do Fire, Ice, Plasmas, Black Lights, Magnetic Secrets, Spy Tools, Gyroscopes and drone-like flying balls have in common?
You guessed it! Chabad Boys Club, Hands-On Science Night!

Uncover the Mysteries and Scientific Wonders of Hashem’s Amazing World with Chabad Boys Club!
Our motto: Educational, Fun (and a bit Dangerous...)

Our upcoming event is G‑d willing Saturday night, March 11  from 7:30-9:30pm.

Science Night!

to secure your boy's spot and Magical Materials!


Dropoff at 7:30pm. Pickup at 9:30pm

Live Updates will be on the Whatsapp Chat


Unless otherwise indicated: 

  • Events take place at Chabad, at 170 West 97th Street.
  • Pizza & Fries will be served.
  • Chaperons needed for all trips (Boys Clubs #s 2 & 4) 
  • Admission is $25 per child on in-house events; Field trips are $45
  • Discounts are available upon request.
  • Yes! Please! Sponsor a Boys Club program for $180 or $360 or $770!

Please join our Whatsapp notification list for this exciting program, by sending an email [email protected]

Share this with your friends: ChabadWestside.org/BoysClub


OCT 29 2022, 7:30 pm  - See photos of GLOW Havdalah, Glow in the Dark Teamwork games, competitions & more!

NOV 19 2022, 6:30 pm - Urban Air Adventure & Trampoline Park!

DEC 10, 2022, 6:30 pm - Comedy Night!

JAN 14, 2023, 6:30 pm - Area 53 Field Trip Photos

FEB 4, 2023, 7:00 pm - Magic Workshop & Mind Reading!

MAR 11,  2023, 7:30 pm - Wacky Science Coming up!