Please select a sponsorship level
Kiddush sponsorship includes a $180 donation to the shul above the cost of the kiddush.
Basic Kiddush-$1,000
1 bottle of Scotch, Cholent, Potato Kugel, Israeli Salad, Crackers and Cookies
Silver Kiddush- $1,400
Basic Kiddush + Extra Bottle of Scotch, Chicken Nuggets, Meatballs, Cole Slaw
Gold Kiddush- $2,000
Basic Kiddush + Extra bottle of Scotch, Chicken Nuggets, Meatballs, Deli Meats, Grilled Vegetables Platters, Cole Slaw, Caesar Salad, Fruit Platters.
Platinum Kiddush- $3,000- Includes extra waiter.
Basic Kiddush + Extra bottle of Scotch, Gefilteh Fish and Salmon Platters, Chicken Nuggets, Meatballs, Deli Meats, Grilled Chicken Platters, Grilled Vegetable Platters, Cole Slaw, Caesar Salad, Fruit Platters, Pastry Platters.
* Exact menu items subject to slight change based on availability.